Thursday, November 3, 2011

Research Memo #1

Tech, too, Can Make Some Wrecks
What would happen if the US lost access to technology for one whole day; what would happen to schools, businesses, and individuals?  My hypothesis is that no one is going to think schools, businesses or individuals will be affected because they do not understand how much businesses or schools use computers. As individuals, they may think they are fine, but businesses would not function efficiently. Businesses would crash and schools would have to go back and give all assignments with pencil and paper, "world's first computer."
I conducted research on the over usage of computers in the US to the many people on the Horry Georgetown Technical College Conway Campus. I chose this place because there is a variety of ages there. The above question can easily be an opinion question, but if in reality it actually happened there would only be one answer. If computers were not to be used in businesses all of their information would be lost and the economy would begin to deflate. I am in a troublesome situation because I go to school and if no computers were used I do not believe I could complete my assignments on time; everything would have to be handwritten.

Figure 1- Analysis of Survey

Usage of Computers
4/13: Once or Twice a day
9/13: Use them 27/7
4/12: Once or Twice a day
8/12: 24/7
Age Groups
13-18: 8   45-53: 2
26-35: 3
13-18: 6   19-25: 3
36-44: 1   45-53: 2
What They Use Computers For(All that apply)
Schoolwork: 8
Work: 6
Fun: 9
Schoolwork: 6
Work: 4
Fun: 5
How greatly would not having your electronics affect you? (Scale of 1-10)
10: 5 people
7-9: 3 people
5-6: 3 people
4 and below: 2 people
10: 3 people
7-9: 3 people
5-6: 2 person
4 and below: 4 people
There are greater disadvantage than advantages when using computers.
Strongly Agree: 2
Disagree: 5
Strongly Disagree:2
Strongly Agree: 2
Agree: 4
Disagree: 5
Strongly Disagree:1
Over usage of computers is a problem in the US.
Yes: 5
No: 8
No: 6
Over usage of computers is a worldwide problem.
Yes: 6
No: 7
Yes: 4
No:  8
Do you believe using computers can give health concerns?
No: 0
Yes: 10
No: 2
Using computers constantly can cause vision problems.
Yes: 13
No: 0
Yes: 10
No: 2

Data Analysis:
Both Male and Females had different opinions among themselves. Gender played a big role on opinions because males and females tend to have different opinions on subjects. This is helpful information because it helps me know which gender would be more affected by the loss of electronics. The different age groups also affected the responses; people who were older tended to be less affected by the loss of electronics. I believe that out of the twenty-five surveys I passed out twenty of them were answered honestly. Most of the people who answered the survey did not believe that the over usage of computers is a worldwide problem or an issue in the US, but it was almost close to those who did believe it was a problem. From the surveys I learned that as you get older you use computers more often, but if you weren't to have your electronics it would not affect you as much. That shows that younger generations are becoming more dependent on technology and that is a problem. Everyone who took my survey believed that my strongest point was my main question: What would happen if the US lost access to technology for one whole day; what would happen to schools, businesses, and individuals? They also thought that including health concerns was very important for those who used electronics, especially computers 24/7.     

My strongest point was very controversial and could affect many individuals, as well as the economy as a whole. As I said in my hypothesis, more people believed that not having technology for a day would not affect, but the statistics of yes and no were closer than I thought. This survey was very helpful because I now know where to begin to persuade people.
Follow up:
Now that the surveys are complete I am going to continue my research to put on my blog. I will show what health concerns can be caused by using computers excessively and how the economy would go into downfall without technology.

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