Monday, November 21, 2011

Work Cited


Anderson, Kayla. Before Computers. 2009. Photograph. X Time LineWeb. 21 Nov 2011. <>.

Do You Remember What Life Was Like Before Computers? Do You Remember What Life Was Like Before Computers?. 2010. Photograph. SodaHeadWeb. 1 Nov 2011. < computers&imgurl=>.


Old vs. New. Dir. markfiore. Youtube, 2009. Web. 12 Nov 2011. <>.

Millions Of People Likely Suffering From Computer Vision Syndrome . Prod. VOA News. Youtube, 2010. Web. 13 Nov 2011. <>.

Making of Tron Legacy: Technology (Spoilers!) . Perf. raskoolish. Youtube, 2011. Film. <>.

Network- We're In A Lot Of Trouble!. Perf. VThomasCarr. Youtube, 2011. Web. 20 Nov 2011. <>.

Search Engines:

Research Memo #3

     Technology has become more valuable thorughout the years. Without these technical advancements we could not have made any movies or color television. The included clip from Tron Legacy shows why technology is outstanding. It shows a more futuristic form of technology; you can see the evolution through this movie. What if technology had stopped progressing in the 1970s? Color television would have never been seen, therefore black and white sitcoms would have stayed popular.
  The many advantages technology sets forward are great; we need to understand that we need to become more moderate in our usage. A scene from the movie, "Network" was helpful because a man specifies that technology advancements are making us addicted and we are reading less and on the computer and watching television instead of learning the old fashioned way. The majority of the population lives using electronics; in the future we will not be able to live without them. The "Network" is from 1976, so it must be that in present day we are much worse and so much more addicted.
   Teenagers constantly listen and play with their iPods, chat on Facebook, text, or play video games when they could be enjoying their youth. Technology, in part, can be blamed for obesity because kids are constantly sitting instead of being active. Also whenever people want to know the news they do not have to get the paper they can easily get on the internet and Google the recent events in the comfort of their homes. This is the reason I chose the video "Old v. New". In the video, the computer and the newspaper are fighting on who is better and the computer is obviously winning without even trying.
   A clip from VOA news introduced a negative effect from computers, so I placed it in my blog. The narrator explains and interviews doctors on how our vision can be affected by looking at a screen to intently for a fifteen or so minutes. Doctors say it is called, "Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)." CVS may cause the following: fatigue, headaches, neck ache, backache, double vision, and blurred vision. This condition is becoming more frequent for teens because they are the ones that are constantly looking at their phones and at television or computer screens in their free time or for homework.
  These videos were helpful because they gave me a bright idea on how society is affected. We live and will keep on living on these machines that we have so quickly become addicted to; our lives would be so much different if we lived sixty years ago. The new generation of people could not get by because we have become somewhat incompetent of completing some tasks; we have become lazy. Most cannot solve a simple addition problem without a calculator or correctly spell a word without a spell checker. Technology has, to some extent, made us illiterate.

Network- We're In A Lot Of Trouble!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Research Memo #2

The Role of Technology Is in Your Heart and Soul

       While researching texts, I found the usage of technology is a popular topic because many professors, that are scientists, have written articles and books. Two articles were helpful, "A Global Model of Technological Utilization Based on Governmental, Business-Investment, Social, and Economic Factors," and, "The Role of Technology in Education." These articles discussed how technology affects education, businesses, and individuals. I could not find much information on exactly how businesses would be affected, but found some relevant information that specifies in what versatile ways technology makes a business grow. My goal is to share what I found in my research and explicitly answer my research questions.
      To understand the articles, I highlighted the key points and numbered the paragraphs. Then, I re-read the information and developed a clear understanding of the author's point. According to "The Role of Technology in Education" the role of technology in a school setting is to facilitate learning; it is supposed to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Looking back at my past experiences, I can see the relevance in the author's theory because by using Edmodo turning in assignments has been fascilitated. "A Global Model of Technological Utilization Based on Governmental, Business-Investment, Social, and Economic Factors," defines technology as physical systems that support access to information and means of communications.
      Technology has increased rapidly worldwide; for example, in 2009, the number of Internet users worldwide was estimated at 1.67 billion, or 25 percent of global population. Technology is used everywhere; it is used to make economies grow, to help children and adults learn, and for the "needs" of humans. These advancements help people everywhere live simpler and more efficient lives. My leading question is: What would happen if the US lost access to technology for one whole day; what would happen to schools, businesses, and individuals? This is a controversial question because many would believe nothing would go wrong and everything would stay the same. One article expressed, " will continue to have an impact, in terms of how we train our teachers and how those teachers instruct their students. Specifically, technology can remove physical barriers to learning, such as geographic proximity and financial costs, through technology that facilitates distance learning. The increasing prevalence of databases can be used for job performance assistance as well as changing the way we teach students..." this is how schools would be affected. Teaching and the way kids learn would take a 360 degree turn because there would be no more computers, no more online navigations, or gizmos... . Every lab and experiment would have to be done in real life. Could you imagine not being able to make a quick PowerPoint and having to make a huge project board? Wouldn't that change your opinion of what could happen if we did not live with technology?
      Technology furthers the growth of businesses; if there was no technology our economy would hit a downfall. "Business and technology investment, and socioeconomic level are posited to influence technological utilization." Technology has both positive and negative effects on businesses; there is a negative impact because businesses could not function without it and there is a possibility of electronic thefts. "Cybercrime costs the economy about $1 trillion per year and crooks are increasingly setting their sights on small businesses. A look at the most destructive threat to your network and what you need to do about them."
     Individuals and technology are connected. The 21st century people cannot go without having a cell phone, a laptop (computer), iPod, or any other electronic. Everyone is always on social networks; for instance, Facebook, Twitter, or Formspring. All get a sense of adrenaline from using electronics, as if every time they have contact they become the king or queen of the world. We charge our batteries by using our devices, but this is not good. The first negative of using computers is cyberbullying. You may think this never happens because it has never happened to you, but you may not know it and you are the next victim. Second, you can shorten your attention span and develop deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Lady Greenfield, neuroscientist and a baroness of Britain, says, "My fear is that these technologies are infantilizing the brain into the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, who have a small attention span and who live for the moment." Third, by looking at a screen, too intently, constantly you can ruin your vision.
    Technology brings as much good as bad into our lives. In real, there is not a right and wrong when it comes to using technology because both come from its utilization. Although, America and beyond would fall if technology became extinct we could probably find a way to get back on our feet. The suffering would soon enough turn into prosperity even if it means starting from scratch. We really cannot know what would happen because we have not experienced it. Albert Einstein said, "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science."